
Farm-Managers | General Guide

1. Add Farm Members

1.1 For example: A user sent you a message because he wants to join the farm:

If the user's presentation seems right to you...

1.2. We are going to add him to the farm: Go to Farms menu

1.3. If you are assigned as a manager of a farm, you will see the name of the farm as shown in the image below:

1.4. Click on the name of the farm to see details and add members:

2. Add Tasks

2.1. Add tasks to be completed for workers:

  • Title: The task title
  • Description: Task Description
  • Points: Select the task difficulty
  • Assign to: Leave it blank. The workers have to assign the tasks
  • Collaborators: Leave it blank. The workers can assign collaborators
  • Status: To do
  • Start date: You can assign a start date or leave it blank

2.2. That is all. Now the workers can assign themselves a task and start working!

3. Join Applications

3.1. You can Pause or Resume member join requests. With this option, users can see from the server preview whether or not we accept requests to join the farm.